Milestone Marketing Part 2: Engage Customers

In the previous installment, we talked about how to Get Started with Milestone Marketing. This week we will cover more in detail how to make the best out of your company’s milestones. Individual Customer Anniversaries You have the chance to turn a first anniversary into a relationship-building opportunity. We can help you create personalized “thank-you” cards […]

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Milestone Marketing Part 1: Getting Started

Getting Started A successful Milestone marketing campaign starts with a solid plan that includes specific goals you want the campaign to achieve. Here are some common challenges and opportunities to take into consideration when determining what the campaign should accomplish:  Do you want to give your business more credibility?  Do you want to pump new life into […]

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Introduction to Milestone Marketing

What Is Milestone Marketing? Every business has its milestones along the road to success. An anniversary, a new location opening, hitting a significant sales goal or commemorating the retirement of a founder. This blog series will show you how to leverage milestones into promotions that will help you differentiate your business from the competition, attract […]

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5 Characteristics of Successful Companies

Texas Premier Safeguard works with over 1500 companies annually to help them grow their business and run their business more efficiently. We analyzed the company culture, structure and initiatives of our top revenue companies by interviewing key contacts. The results were the same in every top performing company. Here are the top 5 key characteristics of […]

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Top 9 Ways to Protect Your Business from Check Fraud (Infographic)

One in four small business fraud incidents involves check tampering. But proven strategies and best practices can help minimize your risk of falling victim to this kind of theft. Here are the top nine:   Are you at risk for check fraud? Take Fraud Risk Assessment   Best practices to manage your risk: Require Signatures […]

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